Pool Hours & Swim Lessons
The Pool at MCC is open
Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day, 7 days per week, from 11am until 8pm.
MCC Pool Rules & Regulations:
Swim Guest Fees
Monday- Friday: $10
Saturday, Sunday, & Holidays: $15
Guests ages 5 and under are free
Swim Lessons are available with our Swim Team Coaches.
Matt Larson: mjlarson81291@gmail.com
Lexy Wissink: lexy@wissinks.com

Swim Team
The Montgomery Dolphins are one of the 15 country club teams that comprise the Country Club Swim and Dive Association (CCSDA). These teams are divided into divisions based on the prior year’s performance with 5 teams in each division. This year we will compete in C Division with meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings throughout the summer.
MCC's Dolphins Swim Team offers young members a fun, healthy and engaging way to develop friendships while participating in competitive swim events.
MCC Dolphins Swim Team
Swim Team Representatives:
Lane Hornfeck: 240-565-2220
Ginger Shaw: 301-664-3013
Emily Ballou: 617-799-3046
Head Coach: Matt Larson
Assistant Coaches: Lexy Wissink
We welcome and need parents to help run the swim team throughout the year and at meets, please contact our swim team reps for more volunteer information.
Team Communication
Communication is very important in ensuring that the team runs smoothly. Information will be distributed in the following ways:
- Team Snap
- Team Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MCCDolphins/
- Swim Team Swimsuits and Apparel
Swim Team FAQ's
What is the level of competition?
The team is competitive, but the focus is on sportsmanship and individual progress. Comprised of kids of all ages and abilities, the team is more about having fun and enjoying the team atmosphere. We are part of the CCSDA (The Country Club Swimming and Diving Association) and we are in the C division. All kids must be able to swim 25 meters unassisted in order to participate.
Are there different age groups?
Yes - the kids can swim from ages 5 - 18, with groups dependent upon age. The age groups for the meets are 8 & under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, and 15-18.
What is the cost to join the swim team?
Registration dues are $150 per swimmer and $125 for each additional swimmer in a family. A late fee of $25 will be charged for registrations after the cut-off date.
Are swim suits provided?
No; however, a team suit can be purchased, along with other team spirit wear items.
Is transportation ever provided if parents can't make it?
No; however, our team is like a family, and most members find that carpooling to practice and meets is quite easy to arrange. Parents will be able to meet other parents at practices and social events and contact them through our Team Snap website. The meets require A LOT of parent volunteers to run.
When is practice? What are the requirements to attend practice?
Before school is out, there are evening practices everyday from the Tuesday after Memorial Day on. After school is out, there are practices every morning and Monday/Wednesday evenings. Our meets are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, for the most part. Swim team members must make two (2) practices per week. It really helps the swimmers get ready for the meets.
Are parents welcome to come to the banquet?
Yes!! The team is family-oriented. The banquet is a time that the kids get trophies and other awards. There is typically a slide show for the season and then dancing. It is a time for everyone to celebrate!
Are there any social activities associated with the Dolphins?
Yes. We did SO many fun things last year. We had movie night on the driving range, pasta party, team breakfasts, ice cream socials, team pictures, the boy/girl meet...just to name a few. The parents on the team have just as much fun as the kids. It really makes the summer great! We do a lot in a very short amount of time - the season runs from the end of May to the end of July. "Fast and Furious" is what we like to call it!